Heather A. Davis
October 2020
Heather A.
Medical Oncology
Marshfield Medical Center




Heather was calm and collected. When the doctor explained the procedure, she said, "I'm here, I'll listen with you and I'll help you remember."
Heather Davis, RN deserves recognition for her care, observations, calmness, and swift action during my husband's stay on 8N in July. Due to COVID-19 requirements, I was his only allowed visitor at the hospital. When a loved one is ill, the world can feel like a lonely place.
Heather was assigned to my husband's care. She had been checking on my husband frequently and keeping in touch with physicians. Heather was calm and collected. When the doctor explained the procedure, she said, "I'm here, I'll listen with you and I'll help you remember." I was told all of the possible side effects, Heather looked me in the eye, "We got this." Somehow her confidence carried over to me. When I was told that my husband's surgery would take place in 45 minutes, Heather said, "Let's get you prepared."
Life can change in an instant. There were times when I was thinking about all the "what ifs", but that didn't move me forward.
Heather's attitude and attention to detail transferred to me in a way I knew I wasn't alone, for that I am forever grateful.