Melanie Price
August 2020
Billings Clinic




Mel stayed with us past shift changes and even came to visit E and us one day in the pediatrics unit once he was transferred, despite that she worked nights.
Our then 17-year-old son E was helicoptered to the Billings Clinic from a resort last March after colliding with a friend and sustaining a severe traumatic brain injury.
As expected, we were beside ourselves with fear and worry those first few days and beyond. E was in a coma and being monitored with an ICP tube. Mel was our night nurse, and she was so calming, competent, and kind. She treated E with such gentleness despite his 6'3"210-pound frame.
Some of the doctors told us E might never be the same when he did wake up. He was a straight-A student, accomplished ice hockey player, and skier, so adapting to this new potential of our new reality was not easy for us, particularly because E has a similarly high achieving twin brother - so the thought of having a differential between the two of them would have been exceedingly difficult for us all. Thankfully, E made a miraculous recovery, and one year later, we can reflect on how lucky we all are, as well as how grateful we are for the excellent care he received at the Billings Clinic.
Mel stayed with us past shift changes and even came to visit E and us one day in the pediatrics unit once he was transferred, despite that she worked nights. She gave us her contact information, and we have stayed in touch to share that E is playing hockey and skiing again and that he was accepted early into Dartmouth with his twin. Mel is a special person and exemplary nurse.
Thank you!