Lisa Depies
September 2020
Children's Wisconsin




In addition to detailed charting within the NICU's Epic software system, Lisa diligently maintained handwritten records of B's major events and procedures.
From the moment B and C (our two surviving triplets) came into this world 16 weeks premature, Lisa readily responded with the utmost care and compassion. We know that committing to a 24-week micropreemie is a feat in itself...but Lisa accepted the journey ahead with love, strength, and optimism. Lisa filled B's bedside with adorable hand-drawn artwork and milestone signs. In addition to detailed charting within the NICU's Epic software system, she diligently maintained handwritten records of B's major events and procedures. Lisa worked a 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift the night prior to B's transfer [3 months into the hospitalization], but she called Children's—Milwaukee to share information, and stayed with B almost until the ambulance left with him later that morning. We realized later that she had sent B along with a polaroid photo of his brother, C (who remained at Children's—Fox Valley), that said, "See you soon!", and taped a matching photo of B to C's isolette that read, "Miss you already." She truly went above and beyond as a primary nurse for our B, and took exemplary care of both of our boys. Though we are on Day 140 (and counting) of our NICU journey, Lisa has undoubtedly made this as pleasant an experience as the NICU can be. She is a blessing to our family and others like ours. She will always have a very special place in our hearts.