December 2020
96th Medical Group
Eglin Air Force Base




Mrs. Kris talked life into this patient when she felt there was no more life to live. She held her hand in her darkest moments and talked to her as if she was her own family.
I feel blessed to get to work with Mrs. Duffey. I know when she and I are working together she will always go above and beyond for our patients. One experience that was simply beautiful and really just speaks to Mrs. Duffey's character is when we had this patient who was experiencing intermittent altered mental status. When she would come to, she refused to talk to most of the staff due to her being in pain and discomfort, she also decided she really didn't want to be a part of this world anymore. I would say most of the staff including myself felt lost in how to effectively help her since she refused to eat, and she basically was begging us to just let her die. The beautiful moment that I was able to walk in on was when Mrs. Kris had offered the patient to help feed her, just in the chance she may want to eat something and the patient actually consumed a substantial amount of food. The patient never voiced just how exhausting it was for her to feed herself or that she had problems in the first place feeding herself. After two meals the patient turned into a different person, she actually smiled, she laughed with us, shared personal experiences, and ultimately decided to go home on home health rather than hospice care. Mrs. Kris talked life into this patient when she felt there was no more life to live. She held her hand in her darkest moments and talked to her as if she was her own family. Mrs. Kris wasn't "just doing her job" in those moments, she was doing the work of an angel that woman desperately needed and I am so honored to of been able to witness such kindness, love, compassion, and nursing care. Thank you Kris for all that you do, you are a DAISY Nurse for your excellent care.