Mary Sokalsky
March 2020
Phoenix Indian Medical Center




Mary immediately became my rock during the whole time I was here.
I had to come down to PIMC for a partial amputation on my right foot. Due to the COVID-19, I was completely alone...or so I thought; you see the same day I had surgery my husband had a chemo treatment. He went into acute cardiac distress. I was obviously beyond panicked and wanted to just go to him.
Then Mary came in, she asked me to please tell her my every thought, fear, joy, hope that I was feeling. At first, I wanted to be angry with her. Then I saw the absolute sincerity and love in her and I melted. She immediately became my rock during the whole time I was here. PIMC is a better hospital for having Mary S. as a nurse. I've told my family and husband about her and they firmly believe she is a true DAISY Nurse! God bless her always.

Note: This is Mary's 2nd DAISY Award!