Lauren Tallman Smith
January 2021
Tallman Smith
Blessing Hospital




A few weeks after precious L was born, we received a piece of mail from Lauren. It was a beautiful handmade wall hanging commemorating our angel L and wind chimes to remember her with.
Lauren Smith deserves this award today, tomorrow, and every day after. She not only is an exceptional nurse, but a deeply caring, thoughtful, and ever present person. Our family will always consider her an angel in our lives and story.
Our first son came into the picture in 2014. I believe Lauren had recently started at Blessing maybe, or was new to the floor (can't 100% remember) but you would never be able to tell. Lauren was there every step of our labor and delivery, talking me through the scary epidural and hard contractions. We started to have some complications with our son's heart rate, and she reassured us and kept us calm when we did a few things differently to monitor his heart rate. He arrived safe and sound, and the care we received from her was impeccable, especially for our first experience. Becoming a new parent is scary, and she made the process one we would want to experience again.
Our second baby came so fast into this world, I honestly can't remember who all was in the delivery room. But you better believe Lauren "volunteered" to take care of me on the post partum side. Another amazing experience with an Extraordinary Nurse.
Throughout my sister's pregnancies and deliveries, we were able to spend more time with Lauren, and my sister would agree with me as well that Lauren is not just an ordinary nurse, but one that will always go above and beyond for her patients.
I would highly recommend Lauren for this award based on my previous experiences, but our next experience embodies who Lauren is as a person and nurse.
In 2018, my husband and I (7 months pregnant) went into the ER to check our third baby out because I had not felt movement recently. As soon as we arrived off of that elevator, you know who was there waiting for us, our angel Lauren. I can't explain the immediate feeling of relief I felt in my heart after seeing her and knowing she was going to help because I knew Lauren could get us through anything. She was with me when I heard the words, "there is no heartbeat." She held me through the tears, the inconceivable pain, the heartbreak; she wept with me. She talked me through all of the steps we were going to have to go through in order to birth our stillborn baby girl. Going through something like this without Lauren would have been incredibly hard, and I'm so glad we didn't have to. She consoled our immediate family, offered hugs and a shoulder to cry on. There is not a nurse better than Lauren. A few weeks after precious L was born, we received a piece of mail from Lauren. It was a beautiful handmade wall hanging commemorating our angel L and wind chimes to remember her with. Every year on L's birthday we hear from Lauren and our sweet girl is remembered not just by her family but her nurse too.
I can't speak highly enough about this amazing woman. She needs to be recognized because of the truly wonderful care she gives to women day in and day out.