Amy Zornik-Stoltey
February 2021
Saint Alphonsus Medical Center - Nampa




Before he came home to pass away, Amy helped him shave and look his best for my grandma.
My grandfather was in the hospital for COVID-19. It threw our family for a loop. When we got the phone call that he would not make it, we immediately wanted him brought home on Hospice.
Amy was amazing, she took care of our family. She set up Zoom so Grandma could see him and talk with him. She helped arrange transport for him, and she made sure that she was available for phone calls to help guide us through the process. My grandpa has always been well-shaven and clean-cut for Grandma. Before he came home to pass away, Amy helped him shave and look his best for my grandma. My grandpa passed away shortly after getting home.
Amy, thank you so much, from the bottom of our hearts. You made the difference for us. You are an extraordinary nurse.