Simone Reid
January 2021
North Shore University Hospital




Ever since I've known Simone she has exhibited compassion and respect for patients, family, and staff. Her door is always open to anyone who has a problem, work-related or personal, attentive with an open ear.
Nominating my assistant manager Simone is something I and a lot of my fellow coworkers have been wanting to do for some time now. Simone is the epitome of what a manager is supposed to be, she not only advocates for her nurses... especially her night nurses that she works so closely with. She also goes above and beyond to make us feel supported, even throughout this last crazy and stressful year with COVID. Even if that just meant coming to check on you during COVID float to make sure you were okay. There have also been nights where the ICU is very hectic and I have had a very sick patient and was having issues with communicating with difficult attendings and Simone steps in to resolve any issue in a smooth and professional manner, always having her nurses' backs. Simone is a true DAISY Nurse Leader.
Ever since I've known Simone she has exhibited compassion and respect for patients, family, and staff. She will say "everyone is entitled to a bad day, but they should not be disrespectful." Her door is always open to anyone who has a problem, work-related or personal, attentive with an open ear. During briefs, she opens it up to the staff for feedback and suggestions and will get back to you in a timely manner. She will openly praise you in public, but discipline is always done behind closed doors. She is a team player always willing and able to roll up her sleeves and get dirty, whether it be helping out a patient or giving assistance anywhere it is needed.
Recently, Simone advocated for a patient who was intubated and could not speak up for himself. The police came in without a warrant and attempted to draw blood on a patient without patient permission. The administration was involved and we were told not to let them draw the blood without a warrant. Knowing the risk of being arrested, Simone would not let any staff member get involved. When police attempted to draw the blood, Simone stood in between the patient and EMS and the police arrested her. She knew the risk and still attempted to protect the patient and their right.
Simone is an amazing leader. She creates an environment that makes staff feel safe and easy to work in. Simone always makes herself available to staff and is always there to talk to or give advice. She holds the best night briefs. Simone always offers a helping hand even when she is busy covering other units.