Erika Rodakowski
December 2016
Intestinal Rehabilitation Unit (IRU)
Children's National Hospital




I have never felt more love from a stranger than I did with Erika.
After almost a year of unbearable abdominal pains without an explanation and numerous doctor visits, Erika welcomed me into the hospital as if I were her own child. Through the night she rubbed my back while I cried about not wanting to be in this excruciating pain. As I wept for the medication she ensured that I would be okay. Also, that she would be there every step of the way (which she has been). I have never felt more love from a stranger than I did with Erika. Even past my medical issues, she got to know me for me and not just my condition or room number. I am forever grateful, and I would like to thank you so much, Erika.