February 2021
Pediatric Medical/Surgical Unit 7C
Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters




Autumn also planned a time when she knew my son would already be up and not in so much pain because he had taken his medicine.
After learning that my son had a chest deformity called pectus excavatum, I began to research the diagnosis and ways his deformity could be corrected. It was through my research that I decided CHKD was the place to be, mainly because they are the leaders with the Nuss Procedure.
My entire experience with the CHKD staff has been excellent, but there was one nurse, in particular, Autumn, who made me understand why CHKD is the best place! She was kind, considerate, knowledgeable, and sensitive to my son's personal needs. Questions, such as "explain your pain" or "what can I do for you" seem like easy questions to answer unless you are a 13-year-old who never had surgery before, or even taken pain medicine.
Autumn took the time to explain to my son, the importance of such adjectives as constant, stabbing, sharp, and dull. She even took it a step further by providing examples of each type of pain. Autumn never displayed frustration or signs of being annoyed when we asked her to help with a task, even though she had just walked out of the room after asking if we needed anything.
Autumn planned ahead and got my son's last x-ray during a slower timeframe for the x-ray techs. She also planned a time when she knew my son would already be up and not in so much pain because he had taken his medicine. Her compassion and attention to detail made me appreciate her even more! I came to CHKD because of the surgeons' experience in their field but I fell in love with CHKD because of Autumn and the 7C nursing staff. Thank you CHKD!