Geosan Perry
December 2020
2W Medical Oncology
VA Puget Sound Health Care System




Geosan was also very proactive in checking in on me throughout her shift to ensure I did not need anything.
Nurse Geosan provided me a high quality, professional care for six days after I was admitted with a compromised blood pressure ailment that caused me to pass out. Immediately, she demonstrated her professionalism and dedication to me and this veteran population. What I noticed firsthand was her outstanding communication skills.
From the first moment on, she explained every procedure and what she was going to do and why before she began treating me. Geosan made sure I knew what was going on and able to ask questions before she started. This was so comforting because I did not know what to expect and how they were going to treat my blood pressure issue. Now that she had me calm, she was able to draw out my personal and medical histories which she used so effectively in my treatment plan.
Secondly, knowing I was a cancer patient with significant throat issues, Geosan met with my Medical team to refine my diet from a normal plate of food to one that was minced/ground meat, potatoes and gravy, soft vegetables, and ice cream/Jell-O. This allowed me to take in the necessary proteins and vitamins so my body could rebuild itself without irritating the mucositis and Thrush covering my throat.
Geosan was all over my meds and worked with my medical teams to ensure I had the right meds, at the right dose, at the right time. She was a very proactive nurse and stayed ahead of my pain and nausea, which made it easy to rest and focus on getting better and not on the pain I was experiencing. She was also very proactive in checking in on me throughout her shift to ensure I did not need anything. I was quite impressed how she was able to take care of me as well as working on her other patients.
As my nurse, I never wanted for anything. Her calming effect and compassion kept me from becoming anxious and kept me grounded and in the present. I was amazed when I discovered she was a nurse for less than a year. Her maturity and tool kit full of skills made her appear to be a seasoned nurse with many years under her belt. I thank her and the many other caregivers for their attention, compassion, and many words of encouragement.