Amanda Denson
February 2021
Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU)
Aurora Sheboygan Memorial Medical Center




What Amanda might not have known at the time, is that her staying and talking not only was keeping my mind off the pain, but she was also helping me fight off the panic attack I could feel starting.
I don't normally remember my time in the recovery room. I will forever remember Amanda; she is the best nurse I have ever had. I remember her and someone talking apparently. I was given pain meds which made me sleepy, but my oxygen level was dropping and she wasn't able to give me more. I was in severe pain. Amanda apologized and explained she couldn't give me any due to my oxygen level. She took the time to stay with me and just talk to keep my mind off the pain. This may seem like a small gesture, but to me it was HUGE! I suffer from anxiety and very bad panic attacks. What Amanda might not have known at the time, is that her staying and talking not only was keeping my mind off the pain, but she was also helping me fight off the panic attack I could feel starting.
We didn't talk about anything serious; she just stayed and gave me her time. I suffer from a chronic illness and spend a lot of time in clinics and hospitals. Of every nurse I have ever had, and we are talking hundreds, Amanda by far is the best!
She made me feel calm and cared for and important. I felt like she really cared and was really trying to help me with the pain from surgery. Amanda helped me more than she knows. To her, it was probably just talking. To me, it was pain relief and helped calm my anxiety. I can't imagine having a panic attack with my stomach just cut into, but thanks to Amanda, that didn't happen. Thank you so much!