June 2018
Elmhurst College, Department of Nursing and Health Sciences
United States




When thinking of a mentor whom we look up to and should aspire to be like, one person comes to mind - Professor Laury Westbury.  At Elmhurst College, she is the director/master extraordinaire of the simulation lab, certified in healthcare simulation education. She teaches us concepts and skills vital to our nursing curriculum. She is also an accomplished perioperative surgical nurse with an operating room nurse certification. Meanwhile, she is attaining her doctorate. You can definitely say aspiration goals right there. While in skills and simulation lab, Professor Westbury ignites passion in all she does and truly leads by example. She sets the bar high for her students and personally makes sure everyone strives. She invests her time teaching us evidence based practice and encourages conversations about healthcare innovation. Starting as first year graduate students, petrified of the idea of simulation scenarios, we have blossomed into confident and eager students thanks to her ever supportive guidance. She embodies what it is to be a compassionate leader and educator in the nursing field which is why I am honored to present her with the DAISY Faculty Award.
Professor Westbury, on behalf of the Class of 2018, we thank you for the opportunity to learn under your caring hands.