J. Michelle
April 2019
J. Michelle
University of West Georgia; Tanner Health System School of Nursing
United States




Shelly Crager is an excellent nurse educator. When I started with the SON as a novice faculty member, she was a wonderful mentor for me. I learned a lot about what it means to be a nurse educator from her. Specifically, I learned how to be flexible and fair with students. She can adapt to different circumstances and that is one quality that makes her a great educator. If a learning experience is not going as planned, she does not panic. Shelly can immediately shift gears and develop a new plan on the spot that still facilitates student learning. Not many people (including myself) can do this. She can build a great rapport with students and is understanding of student situations. I have seen her reach out to and provide support to students who were experiencing life challenges more times than I can count. She was an advocate for these students who needed someone to speak for them and helped them gain access to resources they needed to be successful. Shelly's commitment to student success is evident in that she will go out of her way to accommodate them. On more than one occasion, she has been known to completely rearrange her schedule to allow a student to make up a test or to meet with them in the lab to practice skills. One semester she helped a student who was struggling quite a bit in the course. She was already working 8-9 hours a day in the lab and simulation. However, she rearranged her schedule so that she could get to campus early to help this student who was struggling. On one occasion, a student who was struggling in a course, arrived at the Newnan Center to meet with another faculty member. That faculty member was not present. She told the student, "Hey, I have some free time. What can I help you with?" and met with the student. This is an example of her commitment to our students and an example of how she lives out the THS SON of "academic excellence in a caring environment." As a colleague, she has always been one of my greatest supporters. I feel valued and respected whenever I work with her. Shelly seeks out my knowledge and expertise and welcomes my input into decision making for the course. When I was a novice educator, she always provided opportunities for me to grow in my skills. She trusts me to teach and share my knowledge with students in her course. She gives me constructive feedback and is quick to give kudos. In these ways, Shelly has been an excellent role model for me as a nurse educator. Her support has helped me persist as a nurse educator and as a doctoral student. The THSSON is lucky to have Shelly Crager on faculty.