Besette Gorlin
May 2018
Besette Gorlin
St. Catherine University, Department of Nursing
St Paul
United States




Jocelyn Besette Gorlin serves as a role model as she illuminates with enthusiasm. As a student, Jocelyn was always available to meet with me to discuss study tips and act as an ear when I needed it most. I also had the pleasure to have her as a clinical instructor. She never belittled me, always encouraged me, and let me know she was there for support. She is the nurse I strive to be.
Jocelyn Besette Gorlin 's excitement to teach is shown through her professional, captivating experience, and knowledge. If she doesn't know the answer which is not often, she finds it and follows up with the class.
Jocelyn Gorlin made a difference in my education by inspiring me at a time when I was struggling in nursing school. The number of times I felt like giving up and quitting, Jocelyn supported me, encouraged me, and reminded me why being a nurse is the best career. I wouldn't be graduating today if it weren't for Jocelyn and her dedication to helping nursing students like me succeed. Thank you, Jocelyn! 
Jocelyn Besette Gorlin went above and beyond as a professor to make us feel comfortable in both the classroom and during pediatric clinicals. As someone who is aspiring to go into pediatrics, she went out of her way to be a reference for me and to allow me to see a variety of different things during clinical. Her positive and caring attitude left a big impact on us students and made fall semester very memorable for us. 
Jocelyn Bessette Gorlin sets a perfect example. She is genuine and professional in all her interactions with students and is a wonderful role model for pediatric nurses. All of Jocelyn's lectures were filled with enthusiasm and passion for pediatrics. She kept her lectures interesting and relevant, using case studies when appropriate to engage learners. She is fair and unbiased and takes interest in every student. She recognizes students for hard work and is always encouraging. We are lucky to have Jocelyn!