November 2019
Student Nurse
Methodist College
United States




Miss Erin Flynn was nominated for the DAISY Award for Student Nursing by her pediatric clinical instructor, Claudia Plumer, MSN RN during her Junior year at Methodist College. There were a total of 6 nominations for terrific students, but Erin's story stood out to the selection committee. Erin is described as someone who "consistently demonstrates compassion, a positive attitude, and actively seeking out learning opportunities" throughout her clinical experience but there is a particular situation in which Erin excelled. In October of 2019, Instructor Plumer's clinical group were in a community setting administering developmental screenings to preschoolers during an event for mothers of preschoolers. Erin was working with a four-year-old child and gave her clinical instructor a concerned look as this preschooler appeared to be having issues breathing. Erin noted the abnormalities of the child including increased respiratory rate, use of accessory muscles and inability to speak in complete sentences. Upon confirmation of this and other abnormal findings, Instructor Plumer asked Erin to remain seated with the child as she retrieved the child's mother. Despite the instructors concerns and encouragement to get the child medical attention, the child's mother was seemingly resistant to these suggestions and appeared to have distrust with the medical community in general. The mother asked the child to come sit with her and the other mothers but the child wanted to remain with Erin as she was reading books. The child's mother was open to the offer that Erin would sit up with the group of mothers at the event and continue to read books while direct view of the child's mother. Erin's instructor described the scene: "Erin sat with the child for quite some time, reading several books, rubbed the child's back, and just talked calmly. The child's mother kept a very close eye on them." During this time Instructor Plumer was working behind the scenes with the community center of ways to possibly get resources for the mom and get her on board to get medical help for this child. After a while, the child's mother came over to Erin and began to talk about the breathing issues. Erin was able to have a conversation about the child's history, and the mother reports that her child often breathes like this with season changes, getting a cold, and sometimes when running and playing. The mother was very receptive to Erin discussing symptoms about this child and that correlated to things this student has learned about asthma. Erin shared her own story of having breathing issues as a child and how they were managed with medical treatment and follow up. Instructor Plumer describes seeing this unfold and said: "I just kind of stood there dumbfounded and watched Erin have this beautiful conversation with the mother. Erin had bridged the gap and earned the trust of this woman, and therefore was able to educate her and recommend that she seek medical care to help her child's breathing". While there is no doubt that Erin meets all of the criteria for this award, two criteria stand out about this situation: "making a connection with patients and families by building trust and respect" and "advocating for patients". While her instructor was talking to other people within the community organization to try and figure out ways to help meet the needs of the child and the mother; Erin was already building a connection with the simple act of providing compassionate care for this child. This is a moment that Erin and her instructor will likely never forget.