Phaedra Chacona
February 2021
Pioneer Square/Downtown Programs
Harborview Medical Center, UW Medicine




Phaedra's utilization of motivational interviewing and empathetic treatments make patients feel valued and seen. Phaedra spends most of her time doing street outreach, making sure clients are enabled towards success.
Phaedra literally pounds the pavement and provides clients care on their terms wherever they are in Seattle from the streets to grocery stores. She has displayed tremendous creativity and compassion to ensure that clients are staying happy and healthy. Phaedra deserves to be recognized for taking care of our wonderful community.
Phaedra's work with the Vital/Familiar Faces team demonstrates extreme client-centered care and compassion. Phaedra is willing to go above and beyond to provide care for high-needs clients with co-occurring disorders. Phaedra's utilization of motivational interviewing and empathetic treatments make patients feel valued and seen. Phaedra spends most of her time doing street outreach, making sure clients are enabled towards success.
Phaedra is the most compassionate, dedicated nurse I have ever met. Her deep commitment to her patients and her team is unparalleled, her passion for each person's whole health is contagious, her humor and morale-building is uplifting and her service to patients is not only nurturing and life-saving but also empowering in the way she reminds each individual of their dignity and worth. Phaedra fulfills a non-traditional role as an Outreach RN on the Vital team as she serves people living outside who are frequently incarcerated. Her willingness to go the extra mile to help patients heal in body, mind, and spirit has had a profound impact in their lives and in our community.