Tammy Black
January 2021
Pen Bay Medical Center




Tammy makes providing care of critical care patients seem easy and seamless. The calm that she provides and the level of organization in which she operates creates a haven for patients, their families, and her co-workers.
It is not just one single act that makes Tammy a DAISY Nurse, but the sum of many acts.
Tammy is our rock on the night shift - our North Star, if you will. She watches over us and jumps in during times of need. On many occasions we have needed help with a critical patient and Tammy has already jumped in, anticipating things that we didn't even know we needed.
She has molded many new nurses. There is a phrase we use: WWTD, which means, "What Would Tammy Do?" We have heard many nurses say, "I want to be a nurse like Tammy." We all do!
Tammy makes providing care of critical care patients seem easy and seamless. The calm that she provides and the level of organization in which she operates creates a haven for patients, their families, and her co-workers. Ask her any questions, repeatedly, without fear of judgment. Walk into a mess and she'll jump in to not only help clean it up, but to show us all a better way in which to work to avoid further messes. Through all of this, she juggles patients with complex illnesses and provides emotional support at the same time.
We are leaving out a lot because Tammy does so much. But we want her to know that we appreciate every single thing that she does to make our Special Care Unit special, safe, and innovative. She is truly greater than the sum of each of her parts!