Melody Gardner
March 2020
Emergency Department
Parkland Health & Hospital System




This leader is compassionate, it is always fun to watch her talk with patients and handle and resolve very tough issues. Melody has so much patience!! I am truly in awe of her ability.
Melody is available to all staff; she listens, communicates, and collaborates with all of us. Melody is willing to change her mind based on what she hears from us, this is so rare in her position. She is compassionate; she thinks about us and our personal life and comforts us in times of need. She covers us so we can have needed time off whether for us or family. I have always been amazed at the way she is able to de-escalate an upset patient without compromising what the staff has done or said ahead of her. This is something that is so important for us on the front lines, we follow policies and escalate and hope our leader will support what we have done as per policy, she always does, we know if we follow policy we can count on her to support us during these difficult conversations.
Melody is awesome in this respect. She is ALWAYS available to me and all of our staff. What means so much to me is that she listens to me, Melody actually is able to say "oh, I did not think of that", and make decisions based on what I have suggested for my unit. I know anything I tell her will be taken into confidence, I can vent to her as my leader without worries. She listens to me and all of our staff, then she makes decisions, however, before doing so she will meet with me and others on the unlit to discuss and have input and consequences of these decisions.
This truly is an important part of servant leadership. I have always been one to speak up for staff and my thoughts, and I know this has caused her hardship as my leader but she embraces this and listens to me, and then goes to bat for all of us. Melody is humble and willing to do anything she asks of me or our staff. She is visible and really comes up to unit and rounds, I honestly in my 20 years as a leader never had that before. It is awesome!! We communicate and she is a leader I can count on to back me up on difficult communications, which I have not always had in my leadership role. She is compassionate when it comes to me needing time off for family issues; she is so willing to cover when I am sick or on-call or on vacation. When I am sick or my loved ones are sick I have ALWAYS felt so bad and guilty at taking time off, she is a leader that says "no problem", she will cover me so I can take care of myself or my family. This is so vital to my well-being and my workplace happiness. I am able to balance my family and career because she has been supportive of my needs, for this I will always be thankful. During the recent COVID-19, she came in after-hours and on the weekend to handle any stress, concerns, and/or issues. She attended huddles, rounded with staff, and helps to answer questions and relieve fears. All of this is after hours and at times I could not be there. This is so vital to ensure all staff feels they are really supported and has adequate communication. She and I speak often during off-hours to ensure our patients, unit, and staff are well cared for.
I really like the fact that she is like me, ALWAYS available, she and I can communicate at any time of the day. For me that is so important, I always know I have a leader to help in a time of need and that help is immediate, no matter what time or day of the week it is. I really do not know how I would have got through the COVID-19 week without her, I am just always amazed at her strength and willingness, and ability.
Our staff loves her! They know what she looks like, her name and who she is!! We all know this is not always the way it is. But they know she is approachable and supports them. They feel confident and comfortable reaching out to her and really believe they will be heard. This leader is compassionate, it is always fun to watch her talk with patients and handle and resolve very tough issues. Melody has so much patience!! I am truly in awe of her ability.
Melody is a stoic example OF NURSING. Melody is always the mentor, she is approachable and she has never failed me when I needed her. She is well known and respected throughout Parkland. Melody is a top 100 Nurse, certified nurse and she is an active committee member of many committees and a very known and respected, sought-after leader in the hospital. She is willing to take on projects the hospital needs to get done, it is always mesmerizing to me to hear and see her volunteer for one more project.
I am just so very proud to serve side by side with Melody Gardner. I honestly believe Melody respects me and listens to me and takes into consideration my thoughts and opinions when she is making the tough decisions for our units. She is one that believes in teamwork and collaboration and knows no one person, regardless of title, can stand alone.
Because of all this and much more, Melody Gardner is a DAISY Nurse Leader!