Bobby Wescombe
January 2021
Intensive Care Unit
Tasmanian Health Service - North West Regional Hospital




Bobby's contribution to the ICU in a multitude of ways from clinical nursing, liaison service, data management, and research has been fundamental to the functioning of the unit.
I feel honoured to be able to recognize Bobby for her authentic, selfless, and empathetic care to the patients of the Burnie ICU. Her diligence has set an unsurpassable standard for the generation of nurses past and future.
Stricken by the COVID-19 virus while continuing to care for the critically ill patients, Bobby is now unable to provide her services to the ICU and confined to her home for months. Her absence has created a vacuum and her shoes are too big to be filled by anyone else. While we all continue to hope for the best and wait to see her back, it saddens us to realise the number of respiratory complications that she has to endure because of the pandemic virus.
Her contribution to the ICU in a multitude of ways from clinical nursing, liaison service, data management, and research has been fundamental to the functioning of the unit. She is a true super-hero who has raised the profession of nursing's stature to astronomical heights. She is a true DAISY Nurse.