Jenny Myers
January 2021
Labor & Delivery
Ascension All Saints




As I pushed, Jenny was there coaching me. It felt like a great friend comforting me versus a medical professional doing her job.
I was a high-risk pregnancy and diagnosed with preeclampsia on Monday after an overnight observation stay in the hospital. At my Friday appointment, my doctor decided to induce me that night. I was nervous. We have a four-year-old but since his birth, I was diagnosed with MS and anxiety.
In addition, we had a stillborn at 20 weeks previously. Nerves were high for my husband and me. Will everything be ok? Then I met Jenny. She made us feel like we were the only ones in the hospital, checking on us regularly and spending time to truly ensure we had everything we needed. When it came time for the epidural, the anesthesiologist went over all of the potential neurological complications. I started to panic, and Jenny eased my mind. I would have her do my epidural. She is really great.
As contractions began to strengthen, our baby's heartbeat would fluctuate. I called it partying - thinking this was normal. Little did I know his heart rate fluctuated up to 180 and down to 80 at times. Jenny was watching and kept her calm. Soon my doctor was watching the monitors in my room with Jenny. I didn't think anything of it. My doctor shared that a NICU team would be in the room due to all of the abnormalities in his heart rate.
Once again, Jenny assured us. As I pushed, Jenny was there coaching me. It felt like a great friend comforting me versus a medical professional doing her job. He was stuck on my pelvic bone. Dr. S was debating if I needed an emergency C Section or to use the vacuum. She used the vacuum. As I was in the final stretch, Jenny kept her cool encouraging me to push as hard as I could, he's almost here.
Our son arrived and did go with the NICU team. Jenny stayed talking to my husband and me indicating to my husband when to not miss a shot in photos. She kept us distracted instead of letting us worry.
Finally, we were able to hold our healthy baby boy. As we reflected on delivery, we realized there was more intensity and risk than either of us realized. Our son could have been in true danger. With the journey we had to complete our family, Jenny went above and beyond the call of her job to passion and care for us. Her passion and dedication should be an example of what other nurses should strive to become. It was a pleasure working with Jenny.