March 2021
Emergency Department
Lancaster General Hospital - Penn Medicine




Karyn's character, demeanor, professionalism, patience, and caring all exemplify what a nurse should be.
While I encountered many wonderful nurses during my LGH stay, there is one nurse that stands out. Her name is Karyn. She came on duty at 3 pm. I came into the ED at LGH late morning thinking it was my appendix...turns out it was kidney stones. At the time Karyn started her shift, my pain was only being managed for short periods of time, I was still vomiting, and I was waiting for a number of things to happen.
While Karyn was in the room, her total focus was on me. Although I'm sure she was extremely busy with other patents, never did I get the impression that she was in a rush. She took the time to explain what she was doing, why she was doing it, and what was going to happen next. She calmed my fears of having a COVID-19 test. Every time I needed more pain medication, she was there. My blood pressure went super high at one time and she took the time to calm me then also.
Additionally, I noticed Karyn took the time to patiently guide and answer any questions from the new patient assistant, in order to help her to do her job properly and efficiently. In the midst of all this, my husband started feeling dizzy. While Karyn was taking him in a wheelchair to the front of the ED to get registered for treatment, he changed his mind. Karyn then suggested getting some fresh air. She wheeled him outside and stayed with him for a few minutes before bringing him back to my room. A few hours later, Karyn was thoughtful and inquired how he was doing. Karyn's character, demeanor, professionalism, patience, and caring all exemplify what a nurse should be.