January 2021
Infusion Center
Southview Medical Center




Dena never flinched. She knew this patient was in need and she jumped right in being so kind in every interaction.
Dena treats every patient, family member, and coworker with respect and compassion. She is an amazing nurse and frequently volunteers to be the caretaker for the most complicated patients to care for. One day, Dena came in on what would normally have been her day off. Our infusion center had 2 nurses out due to illness. She took a patient that had multiple issues and was there for an infusion that would last most of the day. Dena had taken care of this same patient the week before. When his lab results came back with many values out of range and given that his leg was swollen and red; she immediately made the assessment that the ordering physician needed to be alerted. The physician asked that we send the patient to the ER for evaluation. The patient was rescheduled for today and Dena was the first to jump to take care of him again. The patient has no family support, was very confused on arrival, and had visible bed bugs on his clothing when he arrived. Dena never flinched. She knew this patient was in need and she jumped right in being so kind in every interaction. She drew labs and again results were not within normal limits. Dena hopped on the phone to let the physician know. The physician's office had been trying to call the patient to set up a time to see him and had been unable to reach him. Dena figured out that he had a cell phone but had no idea how to use it. Dena called the physician's office multiple times to make sure they had all the information they needed to assess if it would be safe for the patient to receive his infusion and when he should be scheduled for the next one with the holiday the next week. Dena even helped arrange it so the physician will actually come to SV OPIC on his next visit to see the patient before the infusion. That required an amazing caring physician and nurse to set this up.