February 2021
Lutheran Medical Center




At shift change, a family decided to withdraw care for their brother who had been suffering with COVID-19 and has been on the vent for two weeks. Megan spent over an hour with the family to talk them through their concerns and difficulties in making this choice. She stayed over her shift to extubate the patient and hold his hand while he passed as she had promised the family he would not be alone at the time of his passing. The family was able to watch her from outside the room stroking his hair and holding his hand and telling him "you aren't alone. We are here with you. Your family loves you. You aren't alone."
I stood outside the ICU-B glass door with the sister as we watched her brother pass. I was so moved by Megan's dedication to heart-centered care. Even though her shift was over she felt it would only be right to stay and help see the family through as she had helped them throughout the day as they struggled to understand what the process of comfort care would look like. Her heart, her knowledge, and her willingness to follow through are glowing examples of the power of nursing care during these difficult times. I am proud to work beside her.
Note: This is Megan's 2nd DAISY Award!