Kayla Chelf
March 2021
Critical Care Unit
Baptist Health Louisville




As I wept for a life spent without my partner of twenty-one years, Kayla listened and comforted and supported me when I needed it the most.
I would like to thank Kayla Chelf for saving my husband's life and being a compassionate friend to me during his stay at Baptist Health Louisville.
During the early morning hours, I found my thirty-nine-year-old husband limp, gasping for air in our bathroom. I began chest compressions and dialed 911. Eleven minutes later, EMS arrived and carried my lifeless husband from our home where our two young children slept upstairs. Paramedics shocked him three times before carrying him out to the ambulance and shocked him two more times en route to Baptist before his heart resumed pumping blood on its own. Due to COVID restrictions, I was not permitted to visit right away but received a call from Kayla later that afternoon stating that I could come. Upon arriving it didn't take long to realize that I was only permitted to visit because my husband was not expected to pull through; and if he did, it was unlikely that he would be the man that I married thirteen years ago.
The first two days were rough. Kayla stayed by his side and jumped into action immediately when his heart rate dipped dangerously low. With help from other amazing nurses, Kayla brought his heart back from the brink of death. Though shaken, I was in awe of Kayla's intuition and quick action. As the hours ticked slowly by, as they do in the hospital, she continued to amaze me with her knowledge and eloquence. It seemed that she had an answer for every scenario that I threw at her. When faced with an issue, Kayla was always confident and acted with intent.
While hospitalized, my husband had several similarly scary episodes with extreme risks, but the outcomes were always positive. Kayla would celebrate every small victory with me. The physicians always came and shattered my optimism with the news that the victories meant very little and it was still unlikely that he would come back. Even still, Kayla would celebrate. Her positivity was infectious and helped me remain hopeful. I spent countless hours weeping at my husband's bedside, mourning the inevitable loss of my children's father. At only two years old, our son wouldn't even remember his Daddy.
As the tears streamed down my cheeks, under my mask, Kayla often stood over me, silently rubbing my back, being a constant source of comfort. She often reminded me that every human is different, and he had several factors on his side that increased his chance of a positive outcome. At the time, I thought she was just saying those things in an effort to comfort me. I now understand that that's just Kayla. Always looking at the positive side of everything. When she wasn't tending to him or answering the string of never-ending medical questions that I assaulted her with daily, Kayla and I would have conversations about many other things besides my husband's dire situation. She quietly listened to my stories and only offered her own when asked. It was a much-needed distraction for me at an overwhelming time.
The small victories kept coming and, miraculously, his condition continued to improve. When it became clear that he would, indeed, pull through, Kayla beamed. She was genuinely excited to see him without all of the tubes and lines obstructing his face. My husband and I are aware that his outcome is not the norm, and we are incredibly grateful to the team of doctors, nurses, and therapists that helped make his recovery possible. However, I would like to recognize Kayla separately, because she not only saved my husband, but she also saved me. This was an incredibly traumatic time for me. As I mentally prepared myself to raise our children alone and calculated how the bills would be paid with a single income, Kayla reminded me that my husband was not done yet. As I wept for a life spent without my partner of twenty-one years, Kayla listened and comforted and supported me when I needed it the most. I will be forever grateful for her and I hope that she realizes the impact that she has had on my life.
Thank you, Kayla. You are truly an outstanding nurse, not only because of your medical training but also because of your compassion and the friendship that you offer your patients. You have found your calling. I know that being a nurse comes with a lot of loss and it can be so defeating. After spending several months in the bleakness that is the COVID unit, you deserved this win, and I couldn't be happier that my husband was able to give it to you. You played a huge role in this medical miracle and I hope you are proud of that. You should be. All of these words typed cannot fully capture my gratitude. Although my husband was unconscious for all of it, I will never forget what you did for him and our family.