Maureen Tinely
March 2021
Surgical Intermediate Care Unit (Surgical IMCU)
Rush University Medical Center




Maureen quickly established a relationship as my nursing advocate by making me feel like a person rather than a patient.
I would like to take this opportunity to recognize, thank, and nominate Nurse Maureen for the DAISY Award.
Too often the nurses behind the scenes unselfishly provide extraordinary care and compassion for their patients experiencing surgery but never receive the much-deserved thanks and recognition. For most, surgery is a foreign and frightening experience. For me, this experience was eased by Maureen through her outstanding knowledge, experience, compassion, and amazing skills. Maureen quickly established a relationship as my nursing advocate by making me feel like a person rather than a patient. It was evident to me that she moved quickly while exhibiting expertise in her skills to help me through my surgical recovery. I did not always know what she was doing, but she kept me informed through the entire process, which I found comforting. More striking to me is that even considering the technical care provided, Maureen took the time and humanity to exhibit extraordinary compassion which helps with that rare relationship that encourages a holistic care and healing approach. This is not an easy accomplishment when surgery patient care happens in such a limited timeframe. Here is an example of how Maureen went above and beyond expectations of technical knowledge and skill, leadership, extraordinary compassion, human relationship, vision and so much more that is important as a patient.
As I waited during my recovery, my wife and I found comfort in streaming our Church service. Maureen entered the room with equipment and instruments in hand to accomplish her duties. Recognizing my wife and I were worshipping, she respectfully and quietly exited to provide us our time of reflection and worship. I know this had to have disrupted her many tasks and busy schedule; her respect, compassion, quick thinking, and flexibility were greatly appreciated and added to my overall experience and wellbeing.
Another example: My TAVR surgery puncturing the femoral artery in both my right and left thigh. My arteries had difficulty healing continuing to ooze blood, which required frequent inspections and on occasion, applies pressure. She made such an inspection numerous times, each time carefully protecting my modesty by blocking an open view of my private parts while accomplishing her tasks. This simple act was appreciated as surgery and recovery severely affect a patient's humility and self-being. This act reduces my stress and certainly aided in my healing and recovery. Nurse Maureen's empathy for my personal being was truly evident in each contact. I felt comfortable and protected under her care.