Shanna Rash
March 2021
Labor/Delivery/Recovery/Postpartum (LDRP)
Franciscan Health Western Indiana




There is no doubt in our minds that without the quick actions of Shanna, we would not have our son with us today. She is literally a real-life hero.
We started the day off as normal as it gets in regards to induction. Shanna was our very first nurse as we walked into the room. She was full of energy, very positive, and very helpful when it came to explaining the process of the day. We would soon come to find out that the day would be anything but normal.
Our doctor began the induction at 11:43 am, and quickly noticed that there was an extreme amount of amniotic fluid. Shanna was very quick to pick up on this as well and immediately began to focus on the baby's heart rate. Within a matter of seconds, she noticed that there was something wrong with the heart rate and quickly called for another nurse to verify her suspicions. (See this was Shanna's very first day on her own without a direct shadow, and her training immediately kicked in!)
Before I could even understand what was going on, I was being rushed back for an emergency c-section because the umbilical cord had prolapsed, and the baby's heart rate was falling fast. By 12:06 pm we had our baby boy. There is no doubt in our minds that without the quick actions of Shanna, we would not have our son with us today. She is literally a real-life hero. On her first shift, her first patient, and her first complication, she executed when it mattered the most. We will forever be thankful that God placed her in our lives at the right time to help save our son.