Christopher Dowd
June 2018
Kenmore Mercy Hospital




Chris went to the gift shop and bought a card, flowers, and candy so the patient could surprise his wife.
Every unit knows Chris. Any time an IV needs to be started on another unit he always goes no matter how busy he is. He always helps his fellow coworkers as well. He is compassionate and professional and a patient/family advocate. One particular event I want to nominate him for was something he did for a traumatic brain injury patient in the ICU. He was very sad that he was going to be in the hospital for his anniversary. This patient's wife is amazing. She cared for him, fed him, even got him out of the house so he had a full life. Christopher was his nurse the day of their anniversary; he went to the gift shop and bought a card, flowers, and candy so the patient could surprise his wife. He is compassionate and treats each patient as if they were family and that they matter.