Breona Rivers
April 2021
5 East - Adult & Pediatrics Med-Surg Unit
Anderson Regional Health System




Breona's sweet spirit of compassion and friendly manner was evident right from the start.
My husband's uncle said to us many years ago that "old age isn't for sissies". As I age, I am fully realizing and understanding the meaning of those words. One thing I am noticing more and more is that younger people just don't have time to make simple chit-chat or have conversations with aging adults. This can lead to a feeling of loss for us. Bonding - even just a little, is often very meaningful at this stage of life. Frequent illnesses are a little disheartening, and we begin to appreciate it more and more when someone takes time to have little conversations and is willing to share a little of their story with you and listens to your stories. During my hospital stay, I was blessed to have Breona Rivers as one of my caretakers. Her sweet spirit of compassion and friendly manner was evident right from the start. As she cared for me each day, she also shared a little of her life concerning her goals, ambitions, and hobbies. I admired her setting goals for herself in her nursing career and to see that she is looking forward to her nursing career growing. It is very admirable to see such a young woman planning her future with such thoughtfulness and care. Not only does she have a kind manner, but her nursing skills are also excellent, and I know I was in good hands each day. Her warmth and friendly demeanor made my stay a lot better. Not only did she share a little of herself, but she also listened to me share a little of myself. She is an outstanding example of kind hearts and healing hands. For these reasons, I nominate her for the DAISY Award.