Elizabeth Caffery
April 2021
Children's Hospital- New Orleans




Love, Heart, Soul, Empathy: These are the attributes of the greatest healers the world has ever known. Eli, as she is known at Chnola, is one of these wonderful souls. My sweet daughter passed at Children's. Eli was a large part of my entire family's life. Her impact on my daughter was profound. Eli's warmth and smiles were a welcome break from the work of survival for us. The singing and talking with my daughter, the extra care and attention to her and our needs. She is cool under pressure, even at the most difficult times, taking charge when called for. The care of asking how we are doing, a year later is beyond words. I could write this letter for pages of praise, but anyone that knows Eli knows that God works through her and is the greatest example of humanity that my wife and I have ever been in the presence of. God bless all of you.