Heather Davis
August 2019
Case Management Department
Chestnut Hill Hospital - Tower Health




Heather entered the conversation prepared and polite and executed her job the best she could, with professionalism and respect. This is dedication!
One weekend, after thoroughly reviewing a patient's case, Heather asked the nurse to alert her when the patient's family member arrived. Heather knew the topic of "discharge" was difficult for this family member and knew she had to speak with him to discuss the options. Heather needed to explain that when the patient was stable, she would require a stay at a facility. The family member was having difficulty coming to terms with this plan.
During the discussion, this family member became upset, and Heather maintained a calm demeanor and was very respectful, while she clearly explained the process. Even though the situation escalated, Heather maintained her professionalism. Heather entered the conversation prepared and polite and executed her job the best she could, with professionalism and respect.This is dedication!