Alina Clements
March 2021
Hampton VA Medical Center




Alina immediately introduced herself with humor. That made me feel comfortable, as I felt very nervous. That humor never stopped! I noticed all my stats going down because of that. Alina then asked if I needed anything. That turned into her talking to me for an hour about my life, and she just listened. After that, she would get me what I needed without me asking. It was like she knew, and it really calmed me down. Alina noticed that for 3 days I had no nasal air, which could have caused me real damage, because my 02 levels kept dropping dangerously low for days. Several times a day, my levels were 10-20. Alina's humor just continued the whole time. She talked about my issues and I opened up. She really made me think. Alina had great metaphors, which helped me understand what she meant. She called the doctor anytime I needed something that was not in my chart. Alina never complained. She would continue with humor. She always had my medications right and I never had to wait. Alina brought me snacks if needed. If all nurses were trained to do things like Alina did, the VA would be a top hospital!