Michelle Balkus
April 2021
UMass Memorial Medical Center




From the day my son was admitted, Michelle was a calming and comforting presence in our lives.
Having a child requiring hospitalization during the pandemic was very stressful. As the length of our son's hospitalization was prolonged, our anxiousness rose as parents. From the day my son was admitted, Michelle was a calming and comforting presence in our lives. She was extremely knowledgeable about the treatments and general progression of the illness. She calmly explained every medication and procedure, communicated clearly, and often repeatedly when we asked questions. Michelle went so far as to create a 'cheat sheet' for us showing what medications and tests were ongoing and what they were for. Michelle answered all of my son's and our questions clearly and confidently. If she was not certain she consistently found out and came back with the information. Michelle was clearly a key contributor to the care team for our son and was an advocate for him in his care planning. When Michelle was our son's primary nurse, she started every day with positivity. She listened to my son when he had issues and offered solutions or comfort when possible. Our son always felt 'heard'. Michelle, and the entire nursing staff, responded calmly and confidently to several emergent situations during my son's stay and earned our complete confidence and enduring gratitude.