Victoria Trice
April 2021
Medical Center Enterprise




Victoria recognized the signs and did everything in her power to calm and comfort
When my mother was admitted for a fractured hip, Victoria Trice came to our room and genuinely wanted to know if there was anything we needed. My mother was anxious and in pain. She talked to my mother for many minutes and my mother was smiling and laughing a little. During this, Victoria received a page and had to leave, but reassured my mother she would talk to the Doctor about a different medication other than the one she had been given. True to her word, Victoria returned within the hour with a different medication and more fun stories to keep my mother relaxed. Victoria also saw that I had everything I needed.
The next day my mother had a stroke. I was devastated as was the hospital staff. My mother was paralyzed and could not talk when Victoria came on shift. Victoria was stunned and surprised. She hugged both of us. When Victoria hugged my mother, my mother smiled! Soon after my mother was restless and seemingly in pain. Victoria recognized the signs and did everything in her power to calm and comfort her.
The extra attention, noticing little signs, and then acting on them is what every patient hopes their nurse has in them. Victoria is my mother's hospital Angel.