Caroline Ojo
June 2020
Doctors Community Hospital




Ms. Caroline is responsive, tender, and merciful
Ms. Caroline Ojo possesses outstanding qualities of excellence. Words can't express her compassion and her team player mentality. She is always caring about what is going on. Ms. Caroline is responsive, tender, and merciful no matter who is calling for her. She finishes what she's doing and then right away comes in with a smile.
She always handled me with complete respect. She changed my IV and I'm a hard stick. Even if she was frustrated, it never showed. She's a boss lady with all the meaning of boss. Ms. Caroline's selflessness is dynamic, when she is working on me, no one else is on her mind.
She's also a humanitarian with her principles and practices. Words to describe Ms. Caroline are excellence and commitment to quality time with her patients. Ms. Caroline is truly nice, caring, and loving.