Nicole Winnett
April 2021
Critical Care Unit
Sarah Bush Lincoln




Nicole went to the bookstore and bought several books for the patient.
Nicole Winnett is an extraordinary nurse. Nicole is a great team member, as she is always willing to lend a hand to coworkers and is willing to share her knowledge with us. Nicole has also been more than willing to transition to night shift if she is needed to help precept a new hire.
Nicole is a wonderful advocate for her patients. Most recently, she advocated for a patient that she knew was very sick and was in communication with the intensivist and surgeon. Nicole's critical thinking may have helped this patient immensely as they were then taken back to surgery that day. Nicole's advocating and critical thinking positively impacted the patient's course of treatment. Nicole has very quick thinking and responses, which has undoubtedly helped many patients.
Not only is Nicole a great advocate for her patients, but she also cares about them immensely, treats them like they are family, and goes above and beyond to make sure they are comfortable and happy. Most recently, there was a patient who enjoyed reading and had nothing to read with them. The patient could only read large print. Nicole went to the bookstore and bought several books for the patient. Nicole also bought a magnifying glass to help accommodate the patient.
Nicole is a nurse that I would want to care for me or my family. Nicole has wonderful clinical judgment, is very knowledgeable, and it is evident that she puts her heart and soul into providing holistic nursing care for each and every patient.