Deanna Wicker
March 2021
Saint Joseph Health System




Deanna stayed in the room holding his mother's hand and talking with her while he was on the phone until she passed, even though her shift had ended.
I received a call last night from a gentleman whose mother was diagnosed with a UTI and sent to a local nursing home for rehab where she contracted COVID. She was later admitted to our medical floor at the Plymouth Campus. He shared that Deanna Wicker RN called him and told him his mother was not doing very well. His story began, "I live in Washington State 32 hours away, but I want to be closer, so I am on my way."
About 3 hours into his drive, Deanna called him and said "I do not believe your mother will make it 32 hours. I think it is best if you turn around, go home, and talk to your mother via phone." That is exactly what he did.
Deanna called him back once she was in complete isolation precautions and placed the phone to his mother's ear so he could speak to her. Deanna asked the patient if she could hear her son and she held up one finger indicating this was her one and only son. He was crying very hard at this point telling me this story.
Deanna called back later to tell him that his mother was actively passing away and asked if he wanted to talk to her. He said this meant so much to him. Deanna stayed in the room holding his mother's hand and talking with her while he was on the phone until she passed, even though her shift had ended. He said Deanna will never know the impact he had on his life during this difficult time. He was crying so hard telling me this story and wanted me to know what an "Angel" we have working here.