Ruth White
May 2021
Emergency Department
St. Vincent's Birmingham




Ruth starts our meetings with prayer and remembers prayer requests that staff have mentioned.
I have worked in the emergency department for eight years and I consider myself lucky to have had the opportunity to work for Ruth White the entire time. Her job is not an easy one, but she does with it grace and humility. I have never had a supervisor that has cared so much for her employees as Ruth does. Even before I was hired to work for her, she was looking out for my safety as I was moving across the country to start a new life in Birmingham. Ruth does everything in her power to maintain a healthy and stable work environment for her staff. She makes herself available to the non-day shift employees by putting in extra hours after a normal business day and on weekends. Not many others around here make that effort. She wants her staff to succeed and she will do whatever she can to help make that happen. The emergency department is not an easy place to work and Ruth is one of the main reasons I have stayed this long.
Ruth White, my ED Director, leads with integrity in all she does. She has been nursing for over 40 years, and she has been our ED Leader for over 20 years. Her heart is the ED and her staff. She fights for us when no one else around cares or even takes time to listen. Ruth exemplifies all of the values that correlate with Ascension Ministry:
Service of the Poor (Generosity of spirit, especially for persons most in need) - Ruth comforts her staff as well as patients and their families in their times of need.
Reverence (Respect and compassion for the dignity and diversity of life) - Ruth starts our meetings with prayer and remembers prayer requests that staff have mentioned.
Wisdom (Integrating excellence and stewardship) - Ruth has many years of experience which is a vast help in all she does but her heart is the actual true help because she treats all of us with the love that should be given to each other regardless.
Creativity (Courageous innovation) - Ruth looks for different ways to encourage staff, whether it be cook-outs for the staff or just a word of encouragement.
Dedication (Affirming the hope and joy of our ministry) - Ruth has proven dedication by her numerous years of service but not only by years served, but also by the way she leads day-in and day-out as a remarkable leader should.
Integrity (Inspiring trust through personal leadership) - Integrity is the value that resides in Ruth the most.
Ruth is a truly deserving nurse and leader that inspires me daily. She has been a great mentor and gives me the hope to continue to strive to be a leader like her that loves and gives of herself.