Jen Whaley
May 2021
Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center




Nurse Jennifer recognized a downward trajectory and demonstrated exemplary experience
At three days new, our youngest newborn triplet, H, had been blessed for discharge. But H was still quite small and having some issues. Her care team still felt that H could manage at home with close follow-up care.
That is when Nurse Jennifer's NICU background came in and she recognized a downward trajectory for H and demonstrated exemplary experience communicating her concerns while respecting the medical expertise of H's care team.
In the end, H was moved to the NICU with her two other siblings. H received the care she needed and has been thriving ever since she came home. I am so thankful Nurse Jennifer was brave enough to "stop the line", voice her concerns, and advocate for H. Nurse Jennifer did this with the utmost compassion and had excellent follow-through.
Having healthy triplets was a miracle and having Jennifer as H's Nurse was a blessing.