Chelsea Frady
April 2021
4 Heart Unit
Spartanburg Medical Center




Chelsea was there waiting on me with a smile and a hand squeeze
My hospital stay started when my sister brought me to the Emergency Room with what I thought were COVID-related symptoms. However, I was suffering from a MRSA staph infection in my blood. After identifying numerous abscesses in my body, it was also determined I had a vegetative growth with perforation of my mitral valve. The healthcare team began preparing me for a CABG and heart valve replacement surgery. To say I was scared was an understatement. I am 53 years old and never had any issues with my heart. All the nurses on 4 Heart were great and helped me relax in the days leading up to my surgery, but Chelsea Frady went above and beyond with her compassion. Chelsea would sit with me and answer all my questions about what would happen in the Operating Room. Her knowledge of the procedure and her confidence in the surgical team made me comfortable and confident that I was going to be okay.
I needed her more than any medicine in the world, and she made me feel like I was going to come out of this stronger than I had ever been. Chelsea let me know she and the other nurses on 4 Heart would be pulling for me and would be waiting for me when I returned to their floor a few days after my surgery.
I knew that pain would be part of the recovery, but I did not realize the amount of pain I was in, as I was asleep for most of my stay in ICU. When I returned to 4 Heart two days after my surgery, it was like a homecoming to my family. Chelsea was there waiting on me with a smile and a hand squeeze. The pain in my incision brought tears to my eyes. Chelsea was there for me once again, telling me what to expect and assuring me that I was going to be okay.
Thank you so much Chelsea Frady!