Naomi Brissette
December 2020
The Hospitals of Providence Transmountain Campus




Naomi was compassionate, knowledgeable, and such a leader
My dad has stage 3 ALS and ended up in the hospital with pneumonia on Christmas. Naomi Brissette was his nurse in the ICU and my dad described her as an angel from heaven. She listened to him, kept his very worried family updated, and made sure he was okay the entire time he was there. His coming to a hospital room with no chance of visitors was a sad and scary thing for him and for us. Naomi gave us an update on him as soon as she became his nurse and was available to us at any time we needed. We often didn't even need to call since she would contact us regularly with updates. She was compassionate, knowledgeable, and such a leader. We have never had a nurse like Naomi. She put us at ease when we were all stressed, she listened to our concerns and responded to them. She helped us in decision-making by sharing her knowledge as well as consulting all other professionals. She was so helpful and compassionate. She was my dad's Florence Nightingale and was a Godsend in so many ways. Thank you Naomi for truly being extraordinary!