Elysha Goldstein
February 2021
University of Texas Medical Branch




Elysha is the epitome of an unassuming RN who does her job with passion, is an amazing coworker, and an excellent team player.
Elysha had been with UTMB for 7 years and I had witnessed how hardworking, compassionate, and capable she is. She is the epitome of an unassuming RN who does her job with passion, is an amazing coworker and excellent team player. The last three days I worked with her, I have witnessed how she can diffuse and manage a difficult situation. My patient was very uncooperative, belligerent, and was wandering of the unit. I was in awe at how calmly Elysha approached that patient, coaxed her to get back to the bed, and before I knew it, she had the situation all under control. She is by far the kindest person that I have known here at UTMB, never showing anger even as I can sense her frustration with some of our confused patients. It is through her exemplary teamwork where she is unparalleled.
As soon as she sees a coworker to be slammed with work, she needs no invitation to jump in to help. And even if she is charging, she takes six patients if she sees that the others are truly busy with their own patients or admits. Her professionalism is outstanding, the way she handles herself in her collaboration with other disciplines. All these, and many more, summarizes our exceptional amazing Elysha.