Helen Taylor
May 2021
Colorectal Clinical Nurse Specialists
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust




Since then Helen has continued being a true support to us.
Since S was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer, Helen has been our absolute angel. She guided not only S through having a colostomy but also supported me as his partner. When S then had major bowel surgery and seemed fine and was discharged after 5 days, he was then readmitted via ambulance 24 hours later. We couldn't get him back on the same ward and S wasn't getting the urgent care he needed. I literally reached out to Helen, and she took it all in hand and got everything sorted. Supporting not only S in pain but me as an emotional mess too. Since then Helen has continued being a true support to us. Always there when we call, talking us through worries, stoma issues and also being a friend. We couldn't have got through the last two years without her.
Thank you, Helen.