Paige Damle
May 2021
Westerly Express Care
South County Hospital




Paige has very strong assessment skills and amazing recognition of high-risk symptoms
A patient came in complaining of poor intake, nausea, lightheadedness, and neck pain. The patient also reported clammy extremities. The registration staff called the emergency nurses line, and Paige Damle took the patient back immediately for treatment.
The patient was alert but appeared confused to Paige. The patient denied chest pain, Paige documented the patient's skin appearing clammy, pale, and cool. Paige immediately performed an EKG, blood glucose, and started a PIV. EKG was abnormal, indicative of an MI, and EMS was initiated.
EMS transferred the patient with concern for a STEMI heart attack. The patient was treated in the Emergency Room and admitted to the hospital for new-onset cardiomyopathy. The patient is now at home doing cardiac rehab. The patient says she felt like she had the flu and that is why she came to the Express Care. She says she never thought anything was wrong with her heart and as a former nurse herself, she is amazed that the RN in Express Care would have known right away that she needed an EKG.
The patient could not say enough nice things about Paige. She said Paige was efficient, professional, compassionate, patient, and her care throughout her short stay in EC was exceptional. The patient said she just could not get over how wonderful her experience was, and she wanted to ensure we knew what an exceptional job we are doing.
I am not at all surprised by this. I told the patient that our RNs are trained to think through symptoms and utilize protocols to expedite care for our patients. Paige is an exceptional RN. She is a caring and compassionate nurse and always provides exceptional patient care. Paige has very strong assessment skills and amazing recognition of high-risk symptoms and the patient’s condition.
This is the second time this year that Paige was recognized for exceptional patient care.
Earlier this summer she had a patient who was going to leave in EG and Paige convinced the patient to stay by following him out to his car and talking the patient into getting an evaluation. This patient presented with chest pain and reported recent cocaine use. Paige felt due to his symptoms, the drug use, and his appearance, he really needed an evaluation. The patient was found to have an abnormal EKG and was transferred to the ER.