Barbara Kalousdian-Thurman
March 2021
Primary Care Mental Health Integration
VA Northern California Health Care System




Barb goes the extra mile for our Veterans
Since Barbera Kalousdian-Thurman’s arrival to Primary Care Mental Health Integration, just a little over a year ago, she has been an incredible addition to the Team. Barb is always warm, friendly, professional, and helpful. She has always made herself available to help out any team member in PCMHI or PC by taking over a screening shift, taking on another patient on Triage/Warm Hand Off, and staying late well after her tour of duty to complete her work and better assist the providers she works with. She will acknowledge a team member's accomplishments and special occasions such as weddings, birthdays, promotions, and transfers.

Barb will reach out to address all issues of care with a patient. She will review the chart, and consult with the medical provider and go that extra mile to assure the patient is receiving excellent comprehensive care. She will assist our Veterans with any obstacles the patient is experiencing to assist them in connecting to care. Such as connecting them to community supports, social work services, Adult Protective Services, and outside Veteran Organizations. She provides education to both the patients and staff on medical and psychiatric issues of care. She will take the extra time with both her patients and providers to provide and share her knowledge to best assist the Veteran.

Barb initiated and single-handedly put on "The Drive Through" in Primary Care-Martinez. This is a monthly educational series to better assist Primary Care staff with additional information on Behavioral Health Services, conditions, and resources. It is a huge success and always well attended. The Drive Through has provided education to our team in a social, educational, atmosphere.

Barb honors our Veterans with her service every day. She is very familiar with the duties of all service men and women, having worked for DOD and The Department of Veterans Affairs over the years. She understands their hardships, sacrifices, and assists them in every way of connecting to VA resources and community supports. She provides much empathy and respect. Our patients enjoy working with her and have expressed their appreciation to her since her joining Primary Care. Barb goes the extra mile for our Veterans every day, even after her tour of duty is over. She will usually stay late with a patient to assure they are well taken care of before she goes home.

Barb will review the patient's complete chart to assure she understands the presenting problem and questions for a referral. She will suggest to the provider and Team her thoughts in a comprehensive, caring, and thoughtful manner. She will connect the patient to additional services to better address their comprehensive needs. She addresses each patient as a person and incorporates their family members in the treatment planning. Barb works well with the multidisciplinary team members in Primary Care- Martinez to assist the whole patient.

Barb has reached out to higher management to assist her co-workers with support during difficult times. She has done so many times to a number of the staff. And this year has been a trying one. She is courteous, professional, and compassionate in her efforts to assist her team members. She has made a huge difference to the group she works with by providing her support and perspective. She always volunteers to support her team members whatever the case may be whether it is a pot-luck, party planning, taking a shift at the screening table, covering for others on leave, etc. She is a Team player.

Barb is always upbeat and positive. She will look on the brighter side of things, support the entire team with laughter, a supportive email, or goodies for the break room. She is there for all and will reach out to individuals for support and demonstrate her caring.

Barb makes herself available to the Primary Care Team, by providing assistance with patient care, support to staff, and/or reaching out to management for other's support and/or needs. During this very difficult year, she has been in Primary Care the whole time, forgoing her leave, to support others and cover patient care. She drives to other VA Nor Cal sites to assist with coverage and address patient needs.

We are all extremely fortunate to have Barb as a team member!