Rachel Bush
May 2021
Intermediate Care Unit
Riverside University Health System Medical Center




Rachel never once complained or even looked overwhelmed, even though I'm sure she was! She made the transition look seamless, as she took on her new role as our manager while also being charge nurse most shifts.
I have had the honor of working alongside Rachel Bush for the past nine years. Rachel is a wonderful example of someone who was born to be a nurse. She is a leader with a heart of gold and the brainpower ready to problem-solve the most challenging issues.
Rachel leads by example as a compassionate nurse. I have personally witnessed Rachel hold a patient’s hand when they are scared and comfort them with her soft caring voice, while also reassuring family members that their loved one is in good hands. Rachel comes to work in a great mood no matter the circumstances and is filled with positivity that is contagious! She inspires her team to work together to serve our patients as if they were family.
The year 2020 was extremely challenging for so many, and especially for nurses. 2020 was also Rachel's first year as Assistant Nurse Manager of the Intermediate Care Unit, which became the first COVID unit at RUHS. Rachel never once complained or even looked overwhelmed, even though I'm sure she was! She made the transition look seamless, as she took on her new role as our manager while also being charge nurse most shifts. Rachel created an environment where we could come to her with any questions or concerns... and during a pandemic, we had many! Rachel stepped up with courage and provided support to her fellow nurses while also ensuring our patients received the care they deserved during one of the most stressful times in our career. I am proud to call Rachel my manager, as she inspires, encourages, and motivates us all to work together to be kind, compassionate nurse leaders.