Judy Check
May 2021
Employee Health Services
Holy Family Memorial Medical Center
United States




Judy postponed her well-deserved retirement to see our organization through this pandemic.
Compassion, integrity, dedication, resilience, commitment, values…these are just a few of the words that come to mind when describing Judy’s leadership and dedication to HFM and are exactly why she represents what it means to be an extraordinary nurse leader!

Judy will be approaching her 45th Service Anniversary with HFM. Throughout her time here, she has served in a variety of roles and has built a wealth of knowledge and expertise that is invaluable to HFM. For the past 10 years, she has dedicated her time to running our Employee Health Department.

Over the past 12 months alone, Judy has taken her leadership to another level! At the end of 2019, she and I began having discussions related to succession planning and her desire to scale back and move closer toward retirement that Spring. In February of 2020, before any of us knew what was truly in store, Judy made a comment to me that I will never forget. “This is going to be bad, this is going to be really bad,” and her intuition was spot on. Just a few weeks later, as the pandemic began to evolve, Judy made the decision to cut her vacation short, and drive home from Florida to aid HFM in managing the soon-to-be crisis.

For many with retirement in the forefront, this would have been the perfect opportunity to walk away, before the stress of the pandemic came down full force, but for Judy, she decided to jump in and commit 100%. She recognized the impact on HFM, and more importantly the impact the pandemic would play on the safety and wellbeing of our employees. This alone is an example of the leadership, loyalty, and dedication Judy displayed toward HFM and the employees and patients we serve.

From that point on, Judy became an integral part of our Incident Command team, and her critical thinking skills, leadership, research, and knowledge positioned her to be a valuable “go-to” for all things COVID. Throughout the past year, Judy has been a dynamic leader as we have navigated through the challenges we are faced with in relation to COVID-19. She has and continues to work long and hard to ensure the safety of our employees, patients, and community during this pandemic, and continually demonstrates HFM's Mission, Vision, and Values while going above and beyond on a daily basis. Below are just a few of the wonderful words of appreciation we have for Judy:


Judy saw the impending pandemic, one of which no one in our profession has ever seen or been through. She was immediately aware that a new Employee Health nurse leader would struggle to start their leadership career under such circumstances. As a result, she postponed her well-deserved retirement to see our organization through this pandemic. She has worked tirelessly 7 days a week for 12 months answering her phone, advising employees and leaders and consulting with providers. The efforts of her work allowed us to be regional leaders in our readiness and lessened our impact from this terrible pandemic. Pandemics only come around every 100 years or so, and leaders like Judy are one in a hundred. She was the right leader at the right time and we’re lucky to have her to help get us through.


Judy has shown her dedication over and over to the employees, patients and community members of Holy Family Memorial and surrounding communities. She has been tenacious, spending countless hours researching and educating herself (and then others) with the latest information available pertaining to COVID-19; as it impacts healthcare. She has demonstrated outstanding commitment to her fellow employees; to ensure they have a safe work environment throughout this pandemic.


Judy’s tireless efforts during these very challenging times have been amazing. She brings tremendous skill and knowledge to HFM, and we are all proud and thankful for her dedicated service to all our employees, providers, and volunteers.


Judy works tirelessly for the employees coordinating testing, return to work, and communication with our employee leaders and her leader. Add to that mix, Annual Flu Vaccinations. Through it all, she offers her help when I need it and is always smiling. She truly models a servant working for the good of all in a Christian work environment.