September 2020
Bradenton HomeCare
BayCare HomeCare
United States




Robin actually saved my life.
I feel Robin amply demonstrates your '’Culture of Always’ and am grateful for this opportunity to recognize such a worthy candidate. My first exposure to her came about as a result of an injury inflicted upon a three-week post-surgical colostomy stoma. When I reported this to the supervisor, she immediately acted upon the complaint as well as contacted Robin to see me the following day to check my status. In spite of having me tacked onto the end of her already busy schedule, Robin, examined me, diagnosed necrosis, and then contacted her supervisor to confirm her impressions. By now, the exam had lasted long past the end of the workday, however, she never seemed impatient or rushed, appeared willing to stay as long as she needed to in order to help me the best she could, and most important of all calmed me down and listened to everything I had to say. When she left, I expected that to be the end of her day. Instead, at almost 8 PM that evening, I received a phone call from her telling me that she had been trying to reach my surgeon, with no luck, but that she had finally received instructions from the on-call surgeon to have me visit their office the following morning as soon as they opened. Because this visit was my first with her, I could only assume that the professionalism and compassion she extended to me was her normal mode of operation and my impression has only been confirmed over and over again in the past several weeks as I suffered several complications from the initial stoma injury.

The second example of Robin always going above and beyond the call of duty I feel is probably unique to the home nursing profession. Robin actually saved my life. I had already been hospitalized once in the previous three weeks due to not being able to keep down food or liquid, and it appeared as if I was having a repeat episode. Because of the trauma, I suffered during the first visit, I had been forbidding my husband from contacting the nurse, my doctor, or 911 and was just hoping it would maybe all go away on its own. By the third day, Robin happened to have her weekly appointment with me and with one look, immediately took charge, called 911, and then proceeded to have to do battle with the EMT's to take me to the hospital where my surgeon practiced vs. the one where they preferred to take me. It was a completely awesome display of professional dominance without once losing her composure or her compassion. My family and I had never seen anything quite like it. Robin is extremely impressive. As things later turned out, I was in the hospital for twelve days and nearly went into kidney failure, as well as a dangerous blood pressure drop that they later told me they thought they might have to ‘call a code’. One of the doctors told me that if Robin hadn't called 911 when she did that I probably would not have made it through this incident that had seemed rather benign to me. To say we are eternally grateful is to say the very least.

I will close by saying that these are simply two instances of her commitment to her profession, her compassion for her patients, and her superior nursing skills. I could name many other less dramatic illustrations of these qualities, but I feel that these should hopefully be sufficient to show that Robin is an honor to her profession as well as to your organization and is deserving of this prestigious DAISY Award.