Daniel Costa-Mundo
May 2021
Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center
United States




Daniel also coordinated a virtual welcome home parade with the CLC staff for the CLC patients to honor Veterans Day.
Daniel Costa-Mundo began his position as Nurse Manager for the CLC in March 2020. This was the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Without a moment to truly learn his new position, he was able to lead the CLC team through the daily changes and new Directives from Central Office.

In July, after keeping the CLC closed and secure unit to protect the CLC residents he was then instructed to pack the Veterans and their belongings to transfer them out to 2 sister VA facilities in Georgia and prepare the current CLC to become a medical-surgical unit with the capacity to provide care to COVID + patients. Each Veteran was transferred without incident or lost possessions. Daniel led his team to rapidly become competent to provide care to a higher level of care patient as well as receive hands-on training for proper airborne precaution patients. This was also completed safely from July – October 2020.

We then prepared for the Veterans to transfer back to the CLC and welcome them home. Daniel coordinated a welcome home event with Patient Experience, Volunteer Services, and Public Affairs. The Veterans arrived home safely in November and December 2020. They were welcomed with volunteers lining the hospital waving American flags, gift bags waiting in their rooms, and meals delivered from local restaurants. Daniel also coordinated a virtual welcome home parade with the CLC staff for the CLC patients to honor Veterans Day. His leadership has not gone unnoticed. His dedication to the CLC residents to keep them safe and the staff to ensure they are adequately prepared even in the time of crisis exemplifies an excellent Nurse Manager. To date, the CLC residents have had zero cases of COVID-19.