Eileen Wilkinson
June 2021
Radiation Oncology, Fair Oaks Hospital
Inova Fair Oaks Hospital
United States




Eileen takes care of each and every patient as if they were her family.
I have worked with Eileen Wilkinson in the Department of Radiation Oncology at IFOH for seven years. During that time, I have witnessed numerous acts of exceptional care. Eileen takes care of each and every patient as if they were her family. It is not unusual for her to follow up on laboratory results on her day off, or give a patient her cell number if they need to follow up on something.

I remember one patient - a young single mother, newly diagnosed with cancer - who came in with her 3 or 4-year-old daughter. Like a magician, Eileen pulled out crayons and a coloring book and kept the little girl busy while I discussed treatment with her mother. Her energy and smile never wavered. Delivering care during the pandemic has been challenging, and Eileen has worked hard to keep patients and staff spirits up.

I frequently receive feedback from patients about Eileen's attention and kindness. When patients arrive in our department for the first time, they are often very frightened and worried. She is able to put them at ease and reassures them that we will be taking very good care of them. I could not do the work that I do without her help. For the many, many patients, she has helped as they undergo cancer care, Eileen Wilkinson is very deserving of a DAISY Award.